Strengthen your health with naturopathy in Carleton-Sur-Mer

Recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) as being the 3rd traditional medicine, alongside traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, naturopathy is a holistic medicine, which takes into consideration all aspects of the person and seeks to act, not on the symptom, but on the cause.

She is preventive. Aiming to maintain the state of homeostasis of the body. The laws relating to biology embrace the mechanical, mental and physiological principles of life and maintain a normal balance within the body. Any deviation from this normal balance weakens health and/or causes disease.

She is too curative. Demonstrating its effectiveness during periods of disturbance or imbalance, such as an illness, an accident, a maternity process, a moment of unusual stress, etc., by helping the body to catalyze its forces towards a return to this state of stability as long as wanted by the body.
She is a plus intervention. Can contribute to stabilizing and restoring a state of crisis to normal during specific events, whether planned or accidental.

Its goal always remains “to help the human body to maintain health by the application of natural agents in accordance with biological laws, thus promoting the possibility of the body to live by adaptation or by restoration of normal functions. » [1]
[1] Brief presented to the federal government by the Canadian Naturopathic Association, 1962.
You can also contact me through my second company, Herboristerie La Terre Mère. I write in the formblogs and I have an online herbal store there. I offer you a service point at Clinique Santé Aux Pieds Marins to pick up your orders if you are a local customer, in order to always serve you better. https://www.herboristerielaterremere.com/
Naturopathic consultation
60 minutes / $160 (Promo $130)
90 minutes / $240 (Promo $210)
Taxes included in consultation rates
Search time:
Personalized preparation:
Price varies according to your situation
Bulk herbal products: not included

Préparation personnalisée
Tarif variable selon votre situation de santé
Produits d'herboristerie en vrac
Grande variété disponible sur place

Health is a way of life. A healthy mind in a healthy body for a better tomorrow.