Our massage therapy treatments in Carleton-Sur-Mer

Another combo: The massage of the lower limbs with reflexology
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
foot reflexology
Energy approach that allows you to touch the points of contact on the feet that are connected to the different organs such as lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, ... The goal is to do an inner cleansing in a search for a better balance of your systems.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

A massage that uses marma points (acupressure points), sen lines, stretching, mobilization, compression and the use of the Thai reflexology stick on specific areas of the feet to relieve common pathologies. These areas are, among other things, the inter-metatarsal spaces, that is to say the spaces between the bones of the metatarsus. This treatment is combined with an enveloping massage of the calves and feet, in order to increase its effectiveness and deep relaxation.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Thai foot reflexology

A massage that combines 3 forces: yoga, spirituality and meditation. This creates health and vitality. You don't have to be flexible or practice yoga to receive the benefits. Your mobility is respected at all times and your comfort is ensured by cushions if necessary.
Be sure to wear loose, comfortable clothing.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Thai yoga massage
Deep tissue massage
Therapeutic massage allowing more depth for those who need increased pressure during a treatment. Looking for deeper muscles, more specific needs sought, this approach is not for everyone, but does a lot of good.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Chair massage
Available in clinic only. Allows a relaxing or energizing approach as needed. Allows less depth than a treatment on the table, practical especially for access to the back and the cervical region. Ideal for reducing the tensions of computer work or any task related to office work. Massage technique that preserves clothes.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Sports massage
Therapeutic approach aimed at athletes in life (who garden a lot for example) as well as athletes who train. This treatment allows a rapid recovery of the muscles after a more demanding activity. Hands, forearms and elbows are used.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Californian massage
Psycho-corporal approach, connects the body to the emotions. Relaxation massage par excellence, with slowness and depth. Kneading, friction, sliding pressure, etc. A treatment that is done with the hands, to make you better enjoy this delicious relaxation.
30 min: $80 (for children under 14)
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Massage for pregnant women
Adapted and offered in lateral position or lying on the back. Softness is required to promote baby's relaxation (who can be massaged if you wish). The pressure exerted is moderate in order to allow a peaceful pregnancy. The approach varies according to the trimester reached and your current needs during your visit.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 minimum: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Lomi lomi massage
Approach of Hawaiian origin which allows a very beneficial moment of relaxation, with movements reminiscent of the waves, such as rocking. The maneuvers are performed with the hands, forearms and elbows, with presses, sliding presses, etc.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Lomi lomi massage
Approach of Hawaiian origin which allows a very beneficial moment of relaxation, with movements reminiscent of the waves, such as rocking. The maneuvers are performed with the hands, forearms and elbows, with presses, sliding presses, etc.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Massage with essential oils
A massage with essential oils, in relaxation or therapeutic mode, which adapts to the problems you have and the oils are therefore chosen with the following objectives: relax your muscles, reduce spasms, contractures or inflammation, relieve stress and anxiety, reduce fatigue or exhaustion, help with sleep disorders, promote better blood or lymphatic circulation, relieve your rheumatic pains, reduce dark spots due to ageing, etc.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
105 mins: $280
120 mins: $320
135 mins: $360
150 mins: $400
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Metamorphic massage
Approach linking the sympathetic system to the parasympathetic system of the nervous system. Certain phases of life like your preconception, your conception, your birth, etc. may have left vague memories that limit you in your current life. Aim for liberation.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
90 mins: $240
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Another combo: The massage of the lower limbs with reflexology
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
75 mins : $200
90 mins : 240$
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.

Chair massage
Available in clinic only. Allows a relaxing or energizing approach as needed. Allows less depth than a treatment on the table, practical especially for access to the back and the cervical region. Ideal for reducing the tensions of computer work or any task related to office work. Massage technique that preserves clothes.
45 mins : $120
60 mins : $160
Taxes are included in all massage therapy treatment prices.
Our massage therapy combos
It is possible to combine more than one massage technique to create a personalized recipe according to your preferences or your desire to be disoriented by an original and different massage.
For example, it is possible to ask to receive deep therapy for the back and at the same time prefer relaxation for the legs. Do not hesitate to express these particularities, after all it is about your session.
During the interview with the massage therapist, the personalized recipe is determined by your muscle/joint needs and preferences.
The light, moderate or deep pressure can at all times be "controlled" by the massage therapist, who respects his physical capacity, your needs and can use the fingers, the joints, the elbow, the forearm, the fist or feet to better relieve muscle tension.
In addition, do not hesitate to consult the ''Herbalism'' section to see the massage therapy treatments that are offered with medicinal plants.

Le temps inscrit pour un massage inclut toujours un 5 à 15 minutes pour le questionnaire-santé.
C'est la partie la plus importante dans le travail du massothérapeute qui se doit de bien évaluer vos besoins, qui doit aussi s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas de particularités ou de contre-indications au massage, pour ensuite établir le plan d’intervention qui permettra d'en faire un massage efficace. Les minutes suivants le questionnaire-santé sont bien sûr allouées à votre massage pour la durée restante de la plage horaire que vous avez réservé.
Un reçu vous sera remis à chacun de vos rendez-vous pour vos assurances qui couvrent les soins de massothérapie (vérifiez votre forfait).Prenez note que tous les tarifs incluent déjà les taxes. Le soin est payable lors du rendez-vous et aucun crédit ne vous sera accordé.
Plusieurs produits de soins sont disponibles tels que l’aromathérapie, balnéothérapie et phytothérapie.
Possibilité d’offrir un certificat-cadeau ou un chèque-cadeau en tout temps pour un soin de santé ou un produit.
Les modes de paiements qui sont acceptés à la clinique :
Argent comptant, chèque, virement Interac, carte de débit ou carte de crédit (Visa, Mastercard, American Express)
Un préavis de 72 heures (3 jours) est exigé pour toute annulation sans quoi une pénalité de 50% du tarif prévu vous sera automatiquement chargée pour les inconvénients subis. Merci de votre compréhension.