Discover some useful tips and tricks for your health in Carleton
How to choose your shoes?
Preventing any discomfort and any appearance of pain is essential.
Shoes should be neither too soft nor too stiff. Taking too large a point is not recommended, nor is wearing high heels. And especially not shoes that are too tight or too wide. Being able to put one finger inside the shoe, just behind the heel, is enough.
Your feet are the basis of your posture, so you should know that any unsuitable shoe can and will cause problems for your posture, including the famous evil of the century: I have a bad back!

Are you able to bend and twist your shoes with ease? They are therefore inadequate for you. The rear part of the shoe should be stiff to provide good support and the front should bend only slightly, just enough to allow your toes to flex, which is an essential movement for walking.
When shopping for shoes, color, style and “discount” price should not be the search criteria. You should also remember to bring and wear your orthoplasties or orthoses if this is your case, in order to guarantee you sufficient space during your walk test in the store.
The front of the shoe is called toe cap: take the closed and rounded, wide one. Avoid the famous pointed.
The top is called vamp. It needs some flexibility for comfort, but not to the point of twisting. The sports shoe with a mesh part will be more to match the type of sport.
The back is the buttress, which should be at least 2 inches for good support and should therefore be stiff.
The sole, often between 1/2 and 1 inch. Choose the one that will be sufficient for the type of surface on which you circulate. Cement floor or carpet? On sand or on rocks?
The heel should be between 1 and 3 inches maximum, 3 inches not being a first choice of course. A good square that allows the total support of the heel as well as the support of your weight. The stiletto heel does not correspond to these criteria at all.
Take your time and choose well. Your feet are your allies for your whole life. To be sexy with crooked toes or to be healthy with well-spread toes? Think about it!
Magalie Poulin
Your foot care nurse

Living with diabetes, how to protect your feet?
Checking your capillary blood sugars regularly and inspecting your feet every day are essential.
Diabetes can lead to a loss of feeling in the feet over the years, it's silent and sneaky. It is a risk factor that can lead to frostbite, burns and injuries. Also, blood circulation becoming less adequate with hardening arteries, there is a risk of slowed or incurable healing in the event of wounds, which can promote gangrene, or even amputation.
Here are several recommendations for taking care of your feet:
Pay attention to your diet. Beta-carotene can help with wound healing, so any red, orange, yellow, and even dark green leafy vegetables. Do not hesitate to consult a dietitian. It can become your ally for a balanced diet and help you manage your weight.
Do physical activity every day, aim for at least 2 1/2 hours of activity per week. And protect your feet with suitable footwear.
Checking your capillary blood sugar and checking your blood pressure are two important parameters. Do not hesitate to consult your nurse to obtain values and understand the results.
Smoking cessation is essential. A single cigarette can create vasoconstriction and less nourish your feet for 45 minutes due to the narrowing of the arteries, did you know? 45 minutes of hypoxia per cigarette, how many do you smoke per day? Hence the importance of stopping this significant and repetitive damage imposed on your feet … and all the rest of your body.
The care of your feet
Ideally wash them with soap and water every day, rinse and dry well; especially between the toes. Do not underestimate the number of times in my practice I have heard a bath every 2-3 days. For the feet, it is insufficient, especially if diabetic.
Inspect your feet. Look for any signs such as wounds, calluses, cracks, cracks, corns, birdseye, warts, blisters, feet that are too red, bluish, purple, too white, etc. Do not hesitate to consult your foot care nurse, she has the knowledge and skills required to fully understand diabetes, potential circulatory disorders (arterial, venous, lymphatic, mixed), and any type of skin problem. feet.
After bathing or showering, moisturize your feet, which will better absorb the cream or ointment. This must be specific to your current need, either simply multiprotective or relieving dryness, fissures or crevices which must never be neglected since the epidermis or even the dermis is affected. In addition, never put cream between your toes because this can promote humidity and maceration, a risk factor for protecting the integrity of your skin.
Obviously, wearing stockings is important to provide additional protection and must be changed every day. Made of cotton, white or pale, no seams too tight.
The care of your nails
The tip of the nail should not be shorter than your toes. File the corners to avoid keeping sharp corners. Aim for a square, not rounded cut. At home, avoid nail clippers or other sharp objects to prevent any potential injury.
In the event of an abnormality such as thickening of the nails, yellowish to orange or even greenish to blackish discolorations, an ingrown toenail or any other change, consult your foot care nurse. She can treat your nails for an optimal return to health and offer you the different possible choices over the counter or with a prescription, depending on the type of damage. She can refer you to a doctor when necessary.
Wearing shoes
Must be at all times, because walking barefoot is a risk of injury (bumping, a splinter, a foreign body, etc.). In public places like swimming pools, always wear sandals or shoes.
Inspect the inside of the shoe before you wear it, every time. Make sure there are no small rocks or other objects.
Miscellaneous care
Use the pumice stone in case of calluses, but never metal or sharp objects. Reduce your risk of injury at all times
Avoid wearing bandages, especially for several days. Remember, it is important for a person with diabetes to inspect their feet daily. You must therefore inspect the entire surface of both feet.
Do you still have frozen feet? Wear woolen socks that will not hurt your feet, however avoid the application of heat as the sensitivity of the feet in people with diabetes may be reduced.
The annual evaluation
The foot care nurse can check the sensitivity of the feet using the monofilament test, check your tibio-brachial index to assess the healing potential, give you documentation, check your questions and answer them (medication, medical examinations, etc.), follow any changes in your state of health. I encourage you to do this every year, especially if you have risk factors that can lead to complications that may be preventable.
An injury happens to you?
Clean with salt water, apply a dry bandage and watch for any signs of infection such as: redness, warmth, swelling, pain that appears or increases, pus, bleeding that starts again, etc. Consult your foot care nurse immediately if such signs occur. Check to see if she is qualified to offer wound care, she will be able to care for and treat the infection and refer you to a doctor if necessary.
Magalie Poulin
Your foot care nurse
The importance of posture
This is as much at home as at work or during leisure or sports activities. It's even in your sleep.
Positions to avoid
- The head in protraction
- Shoulders bent forward
- The round back
- Abs too loose
- Distributing your weight unevenly

Head in protraction:
With reading and writing, the appearance of computers and cell phones like the Iphone, the body adopts prolonged traction on the cervical spine. The head is heavy (3.5 to 4 kg) it demands a lot of your muscles. Your shoulders are out of alignment. All this can cause muscle tension and stiffness, I am often consulted in massage therapy and ortho-kinesitherapy for these symptoms. Sometimes the pain can even affect the dorsal spine. Office work or telecommuting, long hours of study at university or elsewhere, or any job that requires you to repeatedly bend your head.
It is important to give yourself what I call postural breaks. At least every hour, even every 30 minutes if you can, straighten up, pull your chin back, look straight ahead for a few minutes. Or better yet, go for a walk! Drop by to say hello to a colleague, go to the bathroom or take the opportunity to take a breath of fresh air outside. Your cervical region will thank you.
Shoulders bent forward
The anterior deltoid and pectoral muscles are misaligned in front of the posterior muscles, which causes a postural imbalance. Again, the pain can be cervical and/or back, in addition this time to having pain in the shoulders.
The famous round back
Sofa postures, reading in bed or in the bath all create a rocking effect on your body and are risk factors for developing low back pain. The round back is observed even in people who are standing. Your weight exerts significant traction on the lumbar musculature, especially if there is also the presence of overweight. This area becomes tired, tense and painful.
Exercises such as arched back, arched back can help, but above all I recommend a change in behavior and in your lifestyle.
Straighten up. Equip yourself with a good support to lean on. Move the chair or the TV if it's nice in your home but not practical for your health. Look at yourself in a mirror. Become aware of your body position when you are positioned properly. Try to reproduce this feeling when you go about your business to self-correct.
The abdominals too often relaxed
The abdominal musculature does not work enough, the back takes for its cold and the normal lordosis becomes hyperlordosis.
If your health permits, sheathing exercises can help you strengthen your abs. Of course, medical advice is important to ensure that there is no risk for you. And consulting a qualified professional such as a physiotherapist, kinesiologist, sports trainer, etc., can help you make the right exercise choices, but above all, to perform them correctly.
Uneven distribution of your weight
Leaning on one foot more than another in a queue, does it happen to you? It creates an imbalance in your pelvis. If this type of position is frequent, in the long run the hips can become painful, the trunk too.
Do you do it unconsciously while cooking for a long time? While doing the dishes? Find a small bench, support the foot of your choice and vary the support foot.
The breaks! Take the time to reposition yourself, rest, give your body a break. Above all, be aware of your habits.
So many jobs, sports and hobbies exist to abuse our bodies! It's up to us.
How do we sleep at night?
Likewise, at night, ensure good postural alignment for your cervical, dorsal and lumbar spine. Your shoulders and hips will be less stressed, blood circulation will be more adequate and many pains can be avoided.
With that, good postural recovery, have fun and take care of yourself. Do not hesitate to come and consult me in case of discomfort, pain or if you need good information to guide you.
Magalie Poulin
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist

chronic pain
How to learn to live with pain? Especially when it lasts more than 3 months or has been going on for years? How to learn to self-manage pain?
There is no perfect solution to chronic pain. However, it is important to know that you are an important part of the solution. For what? Because you can exercise control over the current situation. Yes, you have power, trust yourself!
When you're waiting to see a doctor, a nurse, waiting for medical tests and more tests, while you're changing your medication and hoping for results: you're stuck in the cycle of 'waiting'. Often you have to go through it, but it's not just that.
YOU! You have 168 hours per week. That's 1440 minutes a day! What are you doing waiting for? Be proactive to find solutions to alleviate your pain. There is nothing like being served by yourself as they say.
The goal? Use your time to reduce your pain or at least prevent it from increasing. How? With good strategies, a better lifestyle, be ready to make changes in habits or behavior if necessary. Not for others: for you!
Imagine yourself on a desert island. This is just an image, but imagine there is no hospital or doctor. It is exactly like the phenomenon of expectation. You have to learn to equip yourself while waiting. Just like on an island, you would have to make do while waiting for help.
SO! First of course identify the cause. Is it osteoarthritis? Is it an inflammatory process? Is it another degenerative disease? Phantom pain from an amputated limb? You have to know what you want to “fight” about.
Once the cause is found, it is necessary to learn about this cause. Learn and understand the disease. We already do it out of curiosity, but it is more useful to do it to act and be in control.
Does it attack your bones? To your muscles? To your nervous system? Does it bother you more in the morning or especially at night? Is it at rest or during activity? Take the time to think about your discomforts, take notes if it helps you: for example lower back pain every time you get out of your vehicle or pain and heaviness in your arm every time you have to fold your laundry, etc. Identify what you can do.
Once done, you can understand which joint or muscle group you need to work on. Do you need flexibility because you are too stiff? Do you need to hit the pool because your weight is putting too much strain on your knees, ankles or feet? Do you, on the contrary, need rest because you are overusing your body?
Basically: listen to yourself and get to know yourself. Your body speaks to you. Know how to listen. It's not about hiding the pain at all costs. It sends you first and foremost a warning signal, a message that you need to change something. Find it.
These actions will allow you to change your focus, distraction is a means of relief. Ruminating on your pain is counterproductive. Action is productive.
Do you know the gate theory? This is an important concept in chronic pain. I invite you to research this topic. It's very interesting.
And is your pain the worst in the world or are you ultimately lucky in your bad luck? Better to have a body a bit worn down by the natural process of aging than to end up polytraumatized in an accident, right?
Acceptance, diversion or distraction, relaxation, music therapy, pet therapy, stretching, rest or on the contrary activity, hot or cold, less acidic and less sugary food, the addition of certain foods such as turmeric, ginger, as well as certain medicinal plants or certain supplements can help you.
There are several professionals capable of listening to you, guiding you, advising you. Whether it is your nurse, your massage therapist, your physiotherapist, your pharmacist, your chronic pain support group, your herbalist, your naturopath, etc… All are there for you. It does not replace medical advice, but it can help you have a better toolbox of pain relief strategies and above all, support you when you are looking for answers or when you are stuck waiting. of an appointment.
The best person to help you! It's you! What do you like? What helps and soothes you right now? Realize the good points you already score and congratulate yourself. You deserve it.
Looking forward to assisting you in this process,
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse, also in foot care
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your future herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)
Why love nutrition?
Because it is a guarantee of health and because it is the only healthy way to slow down the aging process in a natural way, through the interior of oneself.
I'm not making this up, balance on the plate is the basis. Yet so many people continue to eat junk foods like fast food and canteen meals. Where are the vitamins in these lunches? A treat once every six months to allow yourself a little pleasure is a very innocuous thing, but eating it 5 days a week is another, your arteries and your cells will tell you.

The plate should be filled with 50% fruit and vegetables, 25% meat (or substitute) and 25% dairy products. For what? To maximize carbohydrates and proteins in good quantity, because they are essential and thus reduce the quantity of lipids (fat).
Proportions are one thing, variety is another. It allows us to get as many nutrients as possible, because we need them and it helps to avoid deficiencies, such as a lack of calcium or vitamin B for example. Are you able to eat fresh? To encourage local producers or like me to grow what you put on your plates? The organic section of the grocery store or the market gardeners can supply you if your living space or your available time does not allow gardening. I often hear that organic is expensive. To this I answer: as a nurse, I confirm that it is the disease that is expensive.
- Plan menus in advance
- Have the specific ingredients on the grocery list
- Allow 2-3 hours a single day: you can be very effective in a short time (a mixed salad, a chicken in the oven, a simmering vegetable soup, etc.)
- Portion your recipes that day: fresh or freezable
- Choose the day before what you will choose in your portions (example a roast and vegetables, a zucchini muffin, an apple, a piece of cheese)
- Cooking under 100 degrees is ideal so as not to denature the food and whenever you can, avoid the use of a microwave, as this denatures the chemical form of your food.
- Always remember to hydrate yourself with water (caution in case of fluid restriction of course)
Any vitamins to recommend to you in particular?
Yes. Vitamins AT (so good for the eyes), VS (collagen and tissue elasticity) and E (role in digestion and the intestinal membrane). They are found in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin B (the nervous system), K (coagulation and bone health through consolidation), D (which contributes to many processes in your body).
Yes! But without exaggeration to avoid blockages by their content. And if you're a vegetarian, be sure to create supplements that make for a complete protein.
Digestion (from the mouth to the anus) takes more than two days. So choose those who will not stagnate and who will be able to give their vitamins throughout the course.
Other factors influencing diet
- age
- The quality of sleep
- dental health
- Digestive health
- Assimilation of food
- Medication
- The job exercised
- The sports activities
- The stress
- smoking
- Meal times
- Social isolation (environment)
- The posture and the chosen place
Acid-base balance
As we age, acidity increases and disease develops in acidic environments. Alkaline foods therefore have an important place here. Who says acidity says demineralization, so we want to remineralize to reverse this natural process. Oxygen will help you through exercise and minerals are alkaline so good choices.
Too much meat? Risk of colorectal cancer. To reduce and prevent cancer? Add pepper, turmeric to your meals.
The fruits? Ideally in the evening for dessert.
A quick style idea? Mediterranean menus contain the right foods.
Coffee? Hmm... It's acidifying and therefore dehydrates as little as possible. It's my indulgence in the morning, on the other hand I cut the caffeine and I use cereal coffee made from chicory, beets, etc. A taste develops and a habit changes. We get used to everything with motivation.
With herbalism and naturopathy, which I have been studying for two years already, I work on healing from within and I include the plants I need in my diet. Provided I know them, know why and when I take them and what their contraindications may be. I look forward to the end of 2022 to begin my consultations with you. My school has been teaching since 1994, it is a serious place with which I study 300 plants, 150 of which are more in-depth.
Looking forward to talking nutrition with you,
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)

Sleep and naps, precious time for your health
40% of people suffer from a sleep disorder, of which 12% have insomnia, did you know? It is researchers from Laval University who put forward these data. A nap is therefore a great way to recover energy, alertness and feel better in general.
For some, nights vary between 4 and 12 hours of sleep, with the suggested average being 8 hours.
I have long functioned with 4-6 hours of sleep, taking 2 hour naps. Since 2021 I have stopped coffee with caffeine and I sleep 7 to 9 hours a night, still taking 2 hour naps. So I sleep about 20 hours more per week! If you're not getting enough sleep, try caffeine withdrawal, you might be pleasantly surprised!
Naps help improve memory and concentration, which is great for me since I study full time (40 hrs) while working full time (35 hrs). Thus, I remain productive, but I prevent fatigue before it causes a problem. Naps also lower blood pressure, for those that might help naturally.
Many may feel invigorated after a power nap of only 10 or 20 minutes (light sleep stage). For others, it's 30 or 60 minutes, but you may be a little more sleepy due to sleep phases (sleep wave stage). A 90-minute nap equals a full night's sleep, so you're in good shape as soon as you open your eyes.
Many people don't like or need naps. It is certain that someone who sleeps very well at night without interruption and for sufficient hours will not have the same needs as someone who sleeps little or wakes up often. Everyone has to find their own rhythm.
In addition, the immune system is found to be stronger thanks to naps. The cardiovascular system too. In addition to the memory benefits I was telling you about.
Listen to your body, the nap can be done at 9 a.m. or 2 p.m., it all depends on your needs and your schedule. Make yourself comfortable, in a quiet room and if you can, dim the lighting. If you are tired, but it does not sleep, accept it. Let your body do its physical recovery and leave your mind in this state of quiet pause, you will benefit even without sleeping.
sleep aid tips
- Stop coffee after dinner time
- Avoid your screens an hour before going to bed
- Avoid bringing your cell phone to bed or at least turn it off
- Have an enjoyable hour of reading
- Drink a glass of hot milk
- Take a bath to relax
- Reduce lighting and noise
- Ventilate the room where you sleep
- Sleep without too many blankets
- Reduce the light with blackout curtains
- Stress management: meditation, yoga
- Plan your next day so you don't have to think about it anymore
- Avoid overeating in the evening
- Avoid alcohol, be moderate
- Create a sleep routine
- Relieve your pain before going to bed
If all of this doesn't work, have you tried changing your mattress and/or pillows?
If nothing works naturally after having reviewed all your lifestyle habits, it may be time to consult a health professional who can give you a prescription if necessary or check first if you suffer from sleep apnea. For example. Consulting other health professionals such as an herbalist or naturopath can help you regain healing in the body rather than suppressing the effects without addressing the cause first. A good massage at the end of the day also helps many of my clients.
Looking forward to helping you get back to sleep,
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon)
The benefits of physical activity
Whether it is light, moderate or intense, it all depends on your health and ability. The important thing is to move.
It can be during your morning routine before going to work, at noon if your schedule allows it, in the evening if it is better for you, during your working days or even during your holidays. Observe your preference because it is important that the chosen activity brings you pleasure, so the timing will influence your motivation.

Do you need medical advice before starting a physical activity? It's important to stay in shape, but it's just as important not to make your situation worse. For example, if you have severe osteoporosis, a sport with risk of impact is not appropriate for you, but yoga or swimming could very well be done. Have you recently stopped playing sports due to injury? Give yourself the necessary recovery before resuming. I have already stopped running twice, once when I was 5 years old and once when I was 2 years old. Difficult on the mind to hold back, but the body says thank you and performs better afterwards.
Once assured that everything is fine, it is now necessary to find your why. What is the reason for your need for sport? Health for health's sake is meaningless. Want to increase your stamina? Ah, that makes sense to motivate you over time. Is it for flexibility? Cardio? Losing weight? Once the need has been targeted, it is easier to find the activity that can correspond. Cycling to improve flexibility is unrealistic. Going skiing if you hate winter is to be avoided unless you like to give yourself misery!
Activities of choice: there are some!! You can even target several. Like, walking, strength training and yoga. The gym and hockey. Cycling and hiking, etc.
Why do sports!!?
- prevent diabetes
- Reduce blood sugar if diabetic
- Prevent cardiovascular disease
- Lower bad cholesterol
- Reduce metabolic diseases
- Reduce the risk of osteoporosis
- Strengthen your bones
- Reduce your risk of falling
- Improve your breathing
- weight management
- Improve your muscle mass
- Stimulate your brain
- Improve your cognitive abilities
- Prevent depression and anxiety
- Relieve or reduce pain
- Prevention of certain cancers
- Etc
As little as 2.5 hours of moderate activity or 1.5 hours of intense activity per week will bring you several benefits. It can be 20 minutes a day, 5 times 30 minutes, 2 times 1h15, … Go according to your ability. If you do 2.5 hours at one time and then have to sleep, it is obvious that you have asked too much of your body. You have to experiment to get to know yourself and give yourself enough time to decide. It is also recommended to do strength training twice a week for 30 minutes per session. For what? We have 600 muscles in our body, we must maintain them so that they support without injury all the movements that we impose on them.
The benefits of physical activity will come to you when it becomes a routine, so perseverance is key.
After 40, the simple act of gardening, walking and using the stairs regularly can extend your life by 1.8 years, according to a 2012 study in the United States. It goes up to 3.4 years if the activity is moderate and to 4.2 years if you do 60 to 90 minutes of physical activity a day! It is worth taking care of yourself, your loved ones will be able to love you longer.
A sedentary lifestyle is harmful. Sitting for long periods of time is not recommended. It is demanding for your spine but in addition, no part of your body is stimulated. It is the 4th mortality factor after hypertension, smoking and too high blood sugar.
In summary
Move often and for a long time!
Choose an appropriate level of activity
Use the rules of caution required
Do it with friends if you like to be in a group
Looking forward to encouraging you to keep in shape!
Magalie Poulin,
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)

Time management
Is just talking about it enough to stress you out? It's time to bring balance to your life and review your priorities.
Several commitments at the same time? Promotion at the office, picking up the youngest from daycare, bringing your oldest to hockey, helping the middle one with his homework, making supper, calling a sick parent, … is your life a race?
Why can some people be zen working 90 hours a week while others work barely 35 hours and have their tongues on the floor as they say? The secret? Healthy living and the power of habits.
From you to me, no one has won 86 bonus hours in the lottery. All of us have 24 hours in a day. The important question is: what do you do with your 24 hours?
I help you a little, it's an exercise that I put myself into practice every 3 months. Most of my relatives and clients know that I work between 35 and 45 hours a week and that I study 30 to 40 hours a week depending on the period. And I've been maintaining this pace for 18 years already! Still, I have free time, I get enough sleep, I can even keep myself active. How! Organizing my time.
First and foremost, your person must become your priority to take care of your physical and psychological health. Only then can you take care of others. Forgetting yourself to save the world won't get you anywhere except maybe a medical professional's office!
I suggest the following exercise: take a paper and a pencil. Enter 168 hours at the top. In pink, in blue, whatever! 168 hours, because that's the time you have in a week. No more no less. Good weather, bad weather.
Subtract your need for sleep: example 56 hours per week
Then subtract your need for a nap: example 6 hours per week
Now subtract your working hours including travel. Example 35 hours + 3 hours
Subtract your meal hours from your remaining hours. Example 45 minutes x 21 = which represents 15.75 hours per week. Add an extra 3 or 4 hours for what you cook and time spent at the grocery store.
Then subtract your recommended workouts from a total of 3.5 hours per week.
Your basic survival needs are now covered. Sleep, food, sport and hours needed to earn a living. How many of those precious hours are left in your week?
168h - 56h - 6h - 35h - 3h - 15.75h - 4h - 3h30 = you have 44.75h left in this example.
Now you can breathe, time, you have plenty! You can now continue the exercise alone. Think about the time needed to shower, brush your teeth, make love, children's homework and bedtime bath time. You should have at least 25-26 hours left. So breathe, you still have time!
The dishes? Household chores? Washing? Yes of course! You still have almost 14 hours free. Do you see? Prioritize your needs. Simplify your tasks. Delegate to the spouse and children what they are able to share. Nowhere does it say you have to be superman or superwoman 7 days a week.
The remaining 14 hours? Don't touch it! There will always be unforeseen events: you are sick one day, you go on a visit, you accompany a loved one to the hospital, you want to play scrabble one evening or a new course will be offered near you and will inspire you. .
Do you see? At the beginning of this article, you had no free time. By restructuring survival essentials and priorities, you will have time.
Another thing: combine tasks. As I work and study a lot, this is what I do to succeed in everything. Lasagna x 2 in the oven, beef with vegetables on a circle, 2 quadruple soups on 2 other circles, meanwhile, washer/dryer on the way, I have plenty of time to go gardening for 1 hour while watching my meals every 30 minutes . Instead of gardening, you can read an inspiring book on your veranda so you don't hear the noise, or you can pay your bills and manage your mail. The main thing is to always make the most of your time when you are able.
Your 168 hours per week can become 200 hours if you become skilled in your task combinations.
Always have one main objective because you will be more efficient, but can other tasks be done on your own or by other people during this project?
Healthy living and the power of habits are powerful, stress less. Good time management, to redo as often as necessary! And the ultimate thing? Let go of procrastination on social media and in front of the television. Your life flies by while you have just literally paralyzed in place watching images that bring nothing better to your week. It takes time away from you instead of giving it to you. I give you this challenge: become aware of the time you spend in front of a screen. What can you do better for yourself and your life with this extra time?
Looking forward to inspiring you,
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)
Make your mind clear
Do you have the blues, everything is going too fast in your head? Even my article on time management and managing emotions leaves you confused? Clean up your thoughts.
Who are you? Give yourself a few days or hours alone to reflect with yourself as your only company. Are you a man? A woman? Single, spouse or parent? Child of parents or orphans? In the center of a large circle of friends or alone? Boss, employee or unemployed? Find out who you are. Do you like what you see?

From there, come back to yourself. As an individual, do you like what you have become? Sincerely? It's time to list on paper what you like or hate about yourself, without any censorship.
Now: it's time for truth. To love yourself 100%, do you have things to completely change or improve? We all have them, I assure you. Impatient temperament? Cultivate patience. Susceptible temperament? Cultivate a sense of humor, ridicule does not kill.
Make a list of 50 qualities that you possess. Not 8, not 14, but 50. Learn to value yourself to have a clear and powerful image of who you are. It will take as long as it takes as they say. This life exercise is worth it.
Afterwards what do you need to change around you to get better? Change jobs? Leaving a hobby you no longer enjoy? Reconcile with your spouse or neighbor? Take inventory of what you call problems, whatever they are.
The list is painful? Do it. This is the best way to bring clarity to your mind. An incurable cancer is a real problem, an argument is a simple hassle that can be solved if you take care of it. Review your problems by seeing them as they are.
Someone around you is toxic to you? Its energy is negative and breaks your zenitude? Simply get her out of your life! In life, you have the right to make all the choices. Do you prefer to love yourself or neglect yourself for fear of displeasing the other? Clean up!
A file at the office prevents you from relaxing and even from sleeping? Stock! Who do you need to talk to to sort this out? Who is in charge? How many people can help you? How much time or budget do you have? Set it!
Each of the items noted on your list must be settled. Give yourself between 1 hour and 7 days for each situation. And take action! Pay that lingering bill, call back that customer you're putting off until tomorrow, classify those papers that you're accumulating. Go! Go! Go!
Your worst enemy for having an overflowing head? YOU! Procrastination (putting things off until tomorrow) causes that hassle traffic jam in your head. How to cure it?
Stand up. Yes yes. Stand up. Are you up? How long did it take you to get up? 3 seconds? 2 seconds? It's the same with all your problems. Get up and do it! It's a safe bet that clarity of mind will be achieved within 1 to 2 weeks.
It is up to you to take care of your mental space. Who are you? What value do you have? What do you want? What do you choose to accept or refuse? Clean up!
Once you have a clear mind, your stress level will magically drop. Give it a try, what have you got to lose but worry about choosing your life and who you are?
Very happy if I inspire you with the GO you need!
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)

Learn to manage your emotions, whatever they are.
How are you feeling right now? Become aware of your emotion of the moment.
Are you calm? Stress? Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Frustrated? Sleepy and unmotivated? In hypervigilance? Cheerful? Melancholy? Eager?
Inhale deeply, expand your chest and abdomen, hold for 5 seconds and exhale, slowly, completely emptying your reserve and exhale as much as you can. Now repeat this exercise 3 times, but with your eyes closed and your hands on top of each other on your stomach. Make sure you are in a calm and quiet place ideally.
After these 4 in-breaths, how do you feel? A little less oppressed?
Becoming aware of an emotion allows you to decide whether you want to live it or get rid of it. I don't want anger, I want a lot of joy! Joy is nowhere? I seek it or I create it.
Make a list of your emotions for a whole week. Look at what comes up most often. Take these obtained emotions and place them in a positive column and the others in a negative column.
Positive emotions are often the opposite of a negative emotion. Find a positive emotion for every negative emotion felt and noticed.
Now you know whether to surround yourself with joy, peace, love, or whatever.
Find a place that stirs emotion. Pleasure while gardening, calm while meditating, joy bursting out laughing with a friend, etc. Now match 5 pleasant situations for each positive emotion you noted.
For the next year, focus on living and creating positive if you need it. This force is in you and no one will come to deliver the groceries of happiness to you. Depending on your needs and your life experiences, this exercise can be repeated every day or every month, to each his own needs.
Hoping that this exercise will guide you towards healthy emotions. It releases better energy, it reduces stress, it allows you to feel less chronic pain, it opens your appetite but to eat healthy food and not to eat your emotions.
Good exercise, inhale exhale well and looking forward to contributing to your inner calm.
Magalie Poulin
Your nurse
Your specialized massage therapist, ortho-kinesitherapist
Your herbalist-naturopath (very soon!)